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Modernizing your Resume

Michelle Parker • January 15, 2023

🤔 Ready for career adventure but stuck with a dark age resume?

2-minute read

Are you ready for your next career adventure, but feel that your resume may be from the dark ages? You are not alone! While I would argue that having an updated resume is up there with having an updated Will in importance, most have a dated, and in many cases a VERY dated, resume – in content, format, and style.

If your resume aligns with one or more of the narratives below, it is time for an upgrade!

The Job Description Resume. We’ve likely all had a variation of this one at some point in our careers, after all, it was pretty much the norm…back in the day. You know the one, the one that lists every job task and seems to overtake each page! NOT a clear and concise resume, and not aligned with the current times.

Recommendation: DELETE the description and REPLACE it with 2-5 accomplishments. How did you move the business forward? What legacy did you/are you leaving behind? What goals did you hit or exceed? What processes did you refine?

The History Lesson Resume. Be proud of all that you have accomplished, your history is filled with lessons and learnings and is what brought you to where you are today. However, your pet-sitting job from 20+ years ago is not going to be what lands you your next opportunity.

Recommendation: Focus your resume on your professional achievements including career, volunteer, and academic from within the last 10-15 years.

Remember… whether you are seeking to advance your career within your current organization, or are looking for a brand-new opportunity, updating your resume is an important next step. So, dust off the last copy of your resume and let’s get started!

Resume writer with nearly 20-years of human resources and recruitment experience, mom and fitness professional, passionate about helping others live their bests lives, personally and professionally.

Whether you're applying for a new job or an internal transfer, planning for an immediate change or a change down the road, looking to transition to a new role or to a new industry, my expertise can help save you time and get you noticed sooner.

Email today to book your no-obligation, complimentary consultation.

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